

兰娜律师是Damon Key事务所的一名合伙人,专长领域包括业主协会和物业管理社区法律事务,移民法,商业和地产法非讼业务,民事争议解决和诉讼。出生于中国的她,致力于为广大华人、华裔投资者和企业家,提供专业的中英文双语法律服务。 兰律师2004年来夏威夷大学留学,在旁听法学院的信托和遗产课程时受一位法学教授的启发和影响,对法律产生浓厚兴趣,在分析各个真实案例的过程中,她意识到即使是成功人士也会犯错,律师则可以帮助人们解决问题和避免纠纷,发挥积极作用。...
Kenneth R. Kupchak

Kenneth R. Kupchak

Ken is a Fellow in the American College of Construction Lawyers, and has served on the Governing Committee of the American Bar Association’s Forum on the Construction Industry. He has degrees in chemistry from Cornell and meteorology from Penn State. In 1996, Penn...
Gregory W. Kugle

Gregory W. Kugle

Greg Kugle concentrates his practice in the area of litigation and appeals. His litigation practice primarily involves the areas of commercial disputes and business litigation, construction disputes, land use and real estate litigation.  He also represents clients in...
Christine A. Kubota

Christine A. Kubota

Chris, born and reared in Japan, joined the firm in 1988 and immediately began building a practice in corporate, commercial, and real estate law, primarily with Japanese-speaking clients. To address the needs of her Japanese clients, her practice also encompasses...
Daniel J. Koller

Daniel J. Koller

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