Embracing New Media

Mark Murakami
How much would it be worth to hear your lawyer think out loud in his area of expertise?
What if you could eavesdrop on Damon Key attorneys for free? If this interests you, read on.
“Blog,” internet shorthand for “web log,” is a web page set up as a topical journal or newsletter, containing short articles (known as “posts”).
More timely than static web sites, blogs allow us to interact directly with our readers.
Blogs have matured from simple web diaries into the internet norm for delivering up-to-date news, commentary and analysis on a wide variety of subjects. CNN anchors and reporters have blogs. Sports stars and CEO’s have blogs.
Lawyers are no exception. In a law blog an attorney posts articles about his or her area of expertise and interest—these articles may provide in-depth summaries and analysis of recent cases or legislation, or may contain practical insight and commentary. Recent decisions not reported in the traditional media outlets may be posted. Most importantly, law blogs permit a direct view into the mind of the lawyer-author. As one blogger aptly observed, the main advantage of blogs authored by attorneys is they allow the reader to “overhear lawyers think.”
Damon Key (and Alumni) Bloggers
Damon Key attorneys blog about their practices. Mark Murakami, Anna Oshiro and Tred Eyerly publish blogs where you can find the latest news and articles about Land Use, Maritime, Construction, Insurance, and Appellate law. The legal blogs are written and published directly by our attorneys, providing the reader a direct line to their thoughts on these subjects. Damon Key alum Robert Thomas also continues to publish a blog on Hawaii land use and property law issues, that may be of interest to our friends and clients.

Tred Eyerly
Damon Key is at the forefront of law blogging both locally and nationally; it is the only major Hawaii law firm that has taken to the new media and which recognizes the benefits of “social media” to our practice.
In 2009, Hawaii Business magazine asked Damon Key attorney, Robert Thomas to write a short piece on blogging for small business. You can view the pdf here.
In the Star Bulletin’s Erika Engle’s TheBuzz column “Blogs are not just for venting anymore,” featured Damon Key’s law blogs and our attorney-bloggers. Read it here.
The four law blogs are:
- hawaiioceanlaw.com – Mark Murakami’s blog about maritime and ocean law
- hawaiiconstructionlaw.com – Anna Oshiro’s blog on all aspects of Construction law: defects, insurance, surety, and arbitration
- insurancelawhawaii.com – where Tred Eyerly’s blogs about legal topics relating to insurance law – selected as one of LexisNexis’ Top 50 Blogs for Insurance
- inversecondemnation.com – Robert Thomas’s blog on property rights, eminent domain, and Hawaii land use law