by hawaiilawyer | Jan 7, 2010 | Publications
Damon Key construction lawyers Kenneth Kupchak, Anna Oshiro, Christi-Anne H. Kudo Chock, and Tred Eyerly teamed together to write the Hawai`i chapter for the recent ABA publication, A State-by-State Guide to Construction and Design Law (2nd Ed.). The book is a...
by hawaiilawyer | Oct 23, 2009 | Publications
Each summer, The Urban Lawyer (the ABA’s Section of State and Local Government Law‘s peer-reviewed law review), devotes an issue to recent developments in various areas of law. A subscription is among the benefits of section membership. The Summer 2009 issue, which...
by hawaiilawyer | Sep 29, 2009 | Publications
The firm’s third Legal Alert for 2009, available for download...
by hawaiilawyer | Sep 2, 2009 | Publications
A few months ago, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published new regulations relating to the unlawful hiring or continued employment of aliens who are not authorized to work in the U.S. These new regulations describe the legal obligations of an employer: (1)...
by hawaiilawyer | Aug 3, 2009 | Publications
Tred Eyerly’s article critiques the Fifth Circuit’s post-Hurricane Rita decision in Arctic Slope Regional Corp. v. Affiliated FM Ins. Co. The case involved insurance coverage for damage caused by storm surge to a construction yard. The precise issue was whether storm...
by hawaiilawyer | Apr 15, 2009 | Publications
The firm’s second Legal Alert for 2009, available for download here, carries articles on our New Generation of Associates, C. Kubota and the Wahine Forum, an Inauguration Remembrance and the third part of the Tribute to Our...