Eminent Domain and Honolulu Rail

Honolulu rail, officially referred to as the “High-Capacity Transit Corridor Project,” will generate its share of legal issues over an anticipated eight year construction period, including eminent domain, construction and procurement, and environmental law. The attorneys at Damon Key have a depth of experience in these fields, and stand ready to assist you if you will be impacted by the rail. For nearly half a century, Damon Key Leong Kupchak Hastert has been at the forefront of providing creative solutions to Hawaii’s business community as forceful advocates in property, eminent domain, real estate, and construction law. Our field of experienced attorneys ready to partner with you to resolve or prevent any legal problem. For more information on how we can help, visit these links:
- Keeping Track of Rail (an overview of the legal issues surrounding the rail project)
- Eminent Domain
- Construction and Design Law