Welcome To The Firm’s (and the Bar’s) Newest Lawyers

Welcome To The Firm’s (and the Bar’s) Newest Lawyers

At the State Senate Chambers, new admittees Andrew Kim, Brooke Hunter, and Ross Uehara-Tilton were sworn as members of the Hawaii Bar, and the Federal Bar. Welcome to the Firm and to the profession. Pictured: our new lawyers and their families, along with some of our...
R & R On The North Shore

R & R On The North Shore

One weekend in November, the firm attorneys took a little R & R and held a “no work” retreat, which included a beach-side hike on the windswept North Shore. One of the many benefits of practicing law in Hawaii.
Damon Key’s Pro Bono Efforts: Access To Justice Room

Damon Key’s Pro Bono Efforts: Access To Justice Room

The past few weeks, the firm’s lawyers have been volunteering at the Access to Justice Room, providing pro bono legal help to unrepresented civil litigants in District Court, under the auspices of the Judiciary and the HSBA. Pictured here are Megan Lim and Mark...